moms roots

it has been a while since last post. it has been holidays for all of us. and this time for those 3 remaining we travelled to the very north of  Europe: Finland

Kinga could go as hand luggage but Dusty and Frisly were already too heavy so they travelled together with mom in a cage.

Biiig experiences, airplanes, airports, trains, Finnish people, Finnish dogs… and since mom even suffered from a snakebite we have visited a real Finnish veth

Frisly stayed in Savonlinna, Dusty found a new family on the way back, near Amsterdam. Dusty is daily walking with his brother so they have lots of fun. Kinga will stay near the lake of Geneva. it has been a great experience for all of us and we will send you images of our growing up


fi-custom- fi-frisly-stays fi-mom-broke-tree  fi-on-rock fi-devant-cabane fi-bridge  fi-back-of-car fi-monkari fi-swimm fi-after-swimm


One thought on “moms roots

  1. C’est avec plaisir que nous avons lu les bonnes nouvelles des aventures des bébés qui sont déjà bien grands. (ils sont toujours aussi beaux) Belles aventures aériennes !! bravo , baptême de l’air !!! Si je comprends bien tous les chiots ont trouvé une maison d’accueil. Par contre j’ai lu que Piki avait été mordue par un serpent, j’espère qu’elle va se remettre . Caresses à super maman Piki.
    Bises aux humains !!

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